Wednesday, March 26, 2014

See That "Processing"?....We've Waited 10 Months for This!

  BIRTH DATE (dd/mm/yyyy) Clique para selecionar uma data
  BIRTH DATE (dd/mm/yyyy) Clique para selecionar uma data
130727-000527Visto TemporárioRECEIVED
140225-004044Visto TemporárioRECEIVED
131230-001517Visto TemporárioRECEIVED
140226-002571Visto TemporárioPROCESSING

Last Photos from Lacey, WA

First Post from Bremerton, WA


Well things are different now. I am in a different apartment which is nicer and newer than my old one. I live with 4 elders now who all share the same area and car. So we split the car throughout the week. We have a Toyota Corolla.  I will send some photos of the apartment next week. No, my companion has been in the ward for one transfer. He is from Utah and is a cool guy. He also played baseball so we got some mitts and play catch with a baseball from time to time. Its about that time of year.

 I like the ward and especially the bishop. He's a really cool guy.  We have a nicer washer and dryer here and for exercise I wake up and lift some weights we have in the apartment. I also have a nice study desk which is different from my old apartment. Our temple trip is scheduled for April 15, so that will be fun. I think I have decdied I want mini English quad for my birthday. I have seen other missionaries carry one around and I think this is what I would like. I do not need money or any shoes I have decided. Just a Mini Quad with my name on it would be great. That is all. 

The car is a nice change from the bikes. We get fed almost every night in this ward. The building is also the exact same as the one back in Clive which is funny. Sounds like you had a fun vacation. We play board games a lot at night which has been fun. One of the elders who lives with us reminds me a lot of John your brother. We play a game called Killer Bunnies which I enjoy. As far as the Visa front goes it should be "progressing" now and it is not. I do not understand why. Do not update anything I will take care of everything. I will just have to keep the faith. 

Elder Percival

Really the Post for 3/10/14


Yes it did rain lots this week but at least it was warm. I am very thankful for my marmot rain jacket and for my water-proof shoes. Yes the socks are great and much better than my old ones, I will send the other ones back either today or next week. And yes maybe just one more pack of the ones you sent me. It was a long week.  We always walk when it rains because biking gets you pretty wet. I used my umbrella though which helped keep my dry. It looks like this week will be better. I forgot to mention a while ago how good those Valentine day cookies were that you sent. Transfer calls are next Saturday. Which means I will know where I go next Tuesday on Saturday.  I am pretty sure I will be in Washington another transfer so going to Tacoma would be nice, that is where everyone always wants to go. Feels like I have been here a while. We found a couple new people to maybe teach but no one answers their door so we did not get in many houses. It is nice that now winter is over. I look forward to the warmer weather. I have decided I am a warm weather guy. I love the pictures from home. Make sure to give the dogs a hair cut soon. Has Anne claimed downstairs yet?  I just have the journal I took with me to record the days and I bought a journal to write scriptures in. I am now on to memorizing scriptures. It makes me feel smart. I am good on music for now. I've been to some baptisms but not many. I will think of some things for my birthday throughout the week. Hope all is well at home.


p.s. tell grandpa and grandma I only read Rough Stone in Decomp time so I get plenty of scriptures each morning. Also I tell him I loved hearing about their trip to Hawaii, sounded like a lot of fun.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A New Washington Locale

So, I am off to Brownsville, Silverdale in Washington on Tuesday. My new address is, 1800 NE John Carlson Rd. # A-201 Bremerton Washington 98311. I have heard it is very pretty and I will take some pictures when I get there. Should be fun as I am ready for a change. I did the best I could for the 4 1/2 months I was here in Lacey. 

I have a new companion named Elder Paulson who I have heard good things about. I also should have a car in this area so that will be different. I have very much enjoyed my time here in Lacey with Elder Miller. We had a lot of fun. It was also a great week for weather. 60 degrees and sunny almost every day. We did some gardening this week for an older lady in our ward. It reminded me of my days working for Jane. We also found a cool guy named Joe who will probably get baptized in the next couple weeks. We can usually come back to an area if someone we taught gets baptized so that is what I am hoping to do. 

As far as my birthday goes, I could not think of anything other than maybe some cash and a gift card to a shoe store. I have been thinking about buying some nice brown shoes. Other than that I have everything else I need. As I was packing yesterday I came to the conclusion that you helped me pack all the things I need. Pretty good for never sending anyone on a mission before. 

Elder Miller has given me haircuts ever since we have been companions. He does a good job. Yes, We had a great steak dinner at our Ward Mission Leaders house on Thursday. He is a cool guy.  I have been saying goodbye to the people I got to know here. I will miss this area in a lot of ways. I will not miss riding a bike in the rain though. I sent a package home with the socks and a letter to dad so let me know if you get those. I hope you enjoy your time in Colorado. It's good to be on the move. I have a birthday, temple trip and general conference in april so it should be a good transfer.



Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Nothing Exciting this Time.....

Hi Everyone,

This week was pretty good as far as weather goes and pretty average as far as missionary work goes. Looks like we are going to get rained on this week. Is Pence's daughter in Brazil or still in Omaha? Thank you for the Tax refund, that will be nice. Due to lack of Dinners, my companion and I bought 16 boxes of cereal. Safeway was having a deal and we had some coupons so we got each box for about $1.50. It was a good deal. Glad to hear about your trip. I am sorry I cannot keep dad company at home. Tell Dad he should watch the third batman if he has not. Elder Miller and I quote it all the time. I am hoping for a new area next transfer. It has gotten a little boring biking the same places all day. A change of scenery would be nice.

 We went bowling last P-day and I bowled a 140. Not bad for not bowling in like 5 years. Were hoping to pull out one baptism this transfer but we will see. It is pretty flaky and is the same women, Kathy we have been teaching for a while. We do have some people who told us to come back this week so that is exciting. I am currently reading the New Testament and am halfway through John which I think is my favorite of the 4 gospels. Ask Bon Bon if she got my letter as I sent one about a week ago. 

And yes, it is amazing how important temple work is. It is what will happen for 1000 years when Christ reigns. I do not have much else to report. Our mission goes to the temple in April so that will be fun. It's weird I have been out 5 months. Thought I would be in Brazil by now but it is "whatever". I thought of all the people in the world who wait for Visa to get into countries. 

Lots of Love,


The Fingerprints are in.....

February 24, 2014

I called the FBI on Tuesday as I was instructed too. They told me that everything went fine and the fingerprints could be read. They told me it would be shipped off to 14131 Willow no later than 2/25/14 so I need Dad to check the mail everyday. He is to send the results to SLC. This was part of the email I got 6 weeks ago. 

Have the missionary complete these requirements, send ALL of the required items to the FBI (the address is provided in the form), and upon receipt of the clearance at their home address, the parents need to send the FBI clearance to us. It is important that the missionaries and parents know about this process.  

I did all that and the results should be coming to 14131 Willow soon. You need to send them to 

Travel Services
50 E. North Temple St.
Attn. Diane Hansen
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-0014

Have Dad 1 day it, confirmation mailing  USPS, make sure he knows to do this, Thanks


(They came this same day and Shane sent them to SLC)

Jesus Isn't White?

February 24th, 2014

Yes I do miss baseball. And yes the shoes are great and waterproof surprisingly. It has been quite nice. I try not to eat Ramen too much but I really do not have to. We find other sources of food that members bring us or gift cards they provide. It's not terrible. We got tired of Monopoly and are taking a break from games. The orange properties are the best to own though.

Haha, it's funny that you call the people we teach my  "students".  They are investigators, or pesquisqadors in Portuguese, but no, we are pretty dry as far as a teaching pool right now. We have either dropped or given up on seeing some people due to lack of them answering the door.

Yesterday was a big day for me. I had to speak in church and our mission had a big fireside in our building later at 7:00 pm. About a third of the mission got together and we sang songs and bore testimonies. It is a really spiritual event and we invited all the people we teach to it. (2 showed up). It was really good. I was asked to bear my testimony in Portuguese so that was interesting. A few people got a good laugh that I was not in Brazil but instead bike in the rain all day in Tacoma. It was fun and we are hoping to get invited to the fireside March 9th in a different Zone.

 Someone gave us cornbread the other day and I made the breakfast dad made me when I was a kid, corn-bred, milk, and sugar. It was heart-warming. Things are pretty slow here as far as people to teach. If I have to stay here another transfer in Washington, I am lobbying to move to another area. I wish I had left Washington earlier because I have made some good friends up here since I have been here a while and they will be hard to leave. I will enjoy seeing the guys in my district though down in Brazil.

 One thing I miss now that I have been out here is playing the oboe. It is weird but I look forward to coming back and picking up the oboe again. Max is pretty much done with swimming. He is planning on making another movie this summer. He sent me the script so I have had fun reading it.

And yes, coming to this church is a big step in someone's life and a big change. But I have seen people do it here and it does change lives. If only people would open their eyes and have some faith to take a step. We talked to an atheist women who was nice but was too smart for her own good in my mind. We handed her a Jesus card with our number and she laughed and told us Jesus was not white. I was tempted to tell her that how we draw pictures of Jesus in not important to our salvation but I held my breath. I have gotten good at nodding and listening. Pray we can find some people this week. 
