Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Little Bit of Home....sort of...

For Dad

Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 12:26:17 -0200
Subject: Re: Pats and Colts

It is nice to know that the Utes can compete and they do not get beat up all the time. Tom Brady and Bill Belichek have always been a hard combo to beat. The one nice thing about the NFL is the teams seem to keep the same players for longer so the good teams have some cool dynastys. Thanks for the news from the nba. Who do the wizards have that is good? I was wondering how the cavs were doing with Lebron back.The 6 of us are all staying together so nothing changes until the end of the year. The Portuguese is coming along but sometimes it is still hard to understand specifics of what people say. P-days are kind of lame here to be honest. We really cannot do anything. Today we will play a little 2 on 2 basketball at a guys  house who has a makeshift court, but other than that nothing special. Max wrote me a nice email today and told me how awesome the movies have been lately. I chuckled after I read your email and your opinion on the movies of late. I think you and Max have different tastes of movies. Coming back i will definetly purchase an android. They are just more fun and I think I like the designs better. Apple just needs more variety. 

As for the work, it was good this week but we could not get anyone to church. Something I have learned on my mission is to have integrity. If you say you are going to do something, do it, or what good is your word? It is something that is frustrating sometimes. But next week will be better. Sometimes I feel like I am teaching a brick wall. Some men here who never went to school and worked their whole life do not have the brain capacity to understand our message. But we try.

I wrote bon bon and email today, thanks for the reminder,



Re: It snowed here


To: Cindy Percival

We are all staying. All six of us. Which is very strange becuase one of the guys got here in July. Sooooo, yeah. The good news is I like my companion and the guys, the bad news is nothing changes and life gets monotonos some times. 

I think we will order pizza for thanksgiving. Not much else. The girl that came to church last week will probably be baptized but she has to come to church 4 times and she has been once so it will be a while. 

No games. Rules are very strict here. A member gives haircuts here and I will get one today. I hang up laundry on a line in our hallway between our two houses. I iron one shirt every morning. If you hang the pants when they are still wet the creases go away when they dry so you do not need to iron them. I do not know if your letters came this week to the mission office but I will call this week.

 There are two soccer teams here, Ceara, and Fortaleza. Ceara is like the Yankees and Fortaleza is like the Cubs. Its a big rivalry and everyone like it when one team loses. I like Ceara but Fortaleza has better colors. 

I wear my suit to church. Some people have dogs but almost everyone has birds which i really like. They are fun to play with. Yes people wear uniforms to school. You have never let me know about what BYU said so you need to do that and email me what happens. Por favor. This week was pretty normal, we had some elders stay with us one night from a different area. 

Lots of Love

November 10th Fortaleza

Yes we have youth in our ward to pass the sacrament. On a good week we have 120 people in sacrement meeting so it does not take many people to pass. The only time I make food is usually for breakfast I make a sandwich with meat and cheese and use a panini thing to flatten it. I think it is good. I also usually make smoothies with bananas.

 Transfers are next tuesday. We had interviews about a month ago that took all day. We went to burger king while waiting which was cool but not as good as the United States Burger King. The shoes are great along with all my other clothes. I like to read the scriptures in English more than Portuguese. I sleep great at night and have not been sick. Joe is liking college, I got an email from him I think three weeks ago. Thanks for the package. I will let you know when it gets to me. 

This week we had a girl come to church who we actually have never taught. We just invited her to come and she did. I am pretty sure she will be baptized because she loved church. She looks like she is 19 like all the girls here but when we asked her she told us that she is 15. Its weird here. No one look their age. It's always a shot in the dark. Better than all the people were teaching who did not come to church. 

Other than that this week was pretty usual. I saw some guys doing cocaine on the road so I guess that is different. I guess it is pretty cheap here. It has to be because almost no one in our neighborhood has money. Colorado looks pretty. It hard to remember what time of year it is because the weather is so warm here. 

Thanks for the pic, Lots of love


Saturday, November 8, 2014

More Halloween

Happy Halloween

I probably could understand the testimonies if we had a good sound system in the church but the sound is terrible so I cannot understand them. I can pretty much understand anyone now here for the most part. Some words are strange and some people have portuguese that is easier to understand than others. I always pray in public in Brazil but I really do not like praying in Porutuguese because I feel so limited in what I can say. No they do not change clocks, at least I hope not. 

I actually had kind of a change in heart about school and stuff this week. I think you are right on this one and it would be better to wait but I am still not sure. I just want to know my options and I want to make sure I have two options before it is too late. It would be nice to make some money before school, but I wish it was not so 4 months. 2 would be perfect. I think. I will think about it some more so just call this week and let me know what my options are. Do not change anything just let me know what they say.  

This week was kind of a rough one. Missionary work in Brazil is not as easy as people say it is. People here are really lazy and no one is married and this makes things difficult for baptizing people. We are kind of starting over with the people we are teaching this week. It also very tough to get people to church becuase that means they have to wake up and go to church. What a price to pay for salvation. (sarcasm). Anyways I can teach now so hopefully things will be better this week.

I went again downtown with the Brazilian Elder today. I bought some fake oakleys for 5$ and got money for everyone from the atm. We take out all the cash we get because many places here do not accept cards. Our area does not have an atm that does not charge 15%. It was fun but a little hot. Also I rode a bus with probably 50 people on it and the capticity is probably 30. I was just glad I did not fall out the door. 

way that was my week. Here is a pumpkin I carved for thankgiving. The kid in our group whos dad is a radiologist bought us all pumpkins. It's always good to have a rich kid. 


Will's Brazil Address...takes 3 normal stamps for a Letter!

FW: Hi Will!

Hey so quick side note. I leave this mission on Auguest 31st next year and BYU Fall term starts the same day. Its very easy to leave two weeks early from a mission. 5-6 people did this same thing in Washington. They just left two weeks early because they were supposed to leave sept. 3 and instead they left like August 18 to go to school. Let me know your thoughts on this. And if you could call the administrations office at BYU and ask if it's possible to move my deferment to fall instead of next winter. Don't do it just ask if it is possible. I do this now because this is when everyone is applying for spots next fall. It sounds better to me to leave two weeks early to go to school in the fall so I do not have to sit at home all winter but let me know what you think and let me know what they say.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 12:44 PM, William Percival <> wrote:
 Reading in Portuguese is a little difficult but I usually can understand the jist of what a paragraph is saying. Dad is a lot like me watching sports. Yesterday we woke up and tried to get people to come to church at 9:00. We then had church and afterwards had a big lunch as usual. We then studied language for a bit and after tried to see some people. Finding people to teach is very easy here. I am glad the elections here are over because its very annoying. They do not have laws here about noise so everyone drives around with big speakers on their cars. We walked the usual area. Its not very big but its enough. Sunday is the day for weekly planning so we come home early at 6 and plan from 7-8. Then the rest of the night we relaxed and hung out with the other guys. I think I want you guys to send me one package for christmas so I might order a couple things on amazon for you to send me. I have the same address here always and that is the mission office address. 

Missao Brasil Fortaleza Av. Santos Dumont 1789 Sala 1612, Aldeota Fortaleza-CE 60150-160 Brasil
I will let you know more about it next week. Love ya,

October 27 2014

Yes the Brazil elections for president have been very annoying so I am glad that they are over. Keep faith in the Royals. It's amazing they are in the world series. It's too bad they are not playing the cubs. Then we could not lose with either team winning. Utah has been impressive.

 This week was rather uneventful. We teach a lot here but we could not get anyone to come to church. We did put a guy on date for baptism so that was good. I went on an exchange with the zls on friday. I went to their area for the day. They have a nicer house but I like the guys I am with better. I wrote in my journal today.

 The language is coming quicker now. Sometimes I wish I was serving in Southern Brazil because the people from southern brazil are much easier to understand. People here have less education and just like the united states when people have less education they cannot speak as well. Either way I can teach for the most part now which is nice. Not much else to report. We are going to work on getting people to church this week because 75% of people who you talk to on the street will say yes if you ask them to be taught so we have tons of people to teach. Little different than America., 

Next week we will go to Downtown again to get money so I think I will look for a hot water shower head. And a cool soccer jersey. Thanks for the sports
update. Go KC and UTah. 